Coming out of a (mostly) shitty day with the help of these things

 So I had a pretty shitty start to my day, had to wake up extra early for an appointment that got cancelled 15 min after it was supposed to start, then had a frustrating situation with my doctor's office and Monday's appointment that I had waited a month for got put off... for another month... 

I was exhausted and angry, I ate breakfast then thankfully my meeting with the people at Autism House Montreal went great and I got excited about that (I talked about it in my earlier post)! An hour or two later as usual I went to try to nap but little things kept waking me up, I only napped about half an hour when in reality I needed several hours more sleep. Had to take CBD oil to keep my heart from racing and feeling hopeless and despairing. Hugs from hubby and crying helped.

I laid in bed, drank water, snuggled my cats and poked at my phone till dinner time and dinner was SO YUMMY, burger patties with home made big mac sauce, greek salad and sex in a pan for dessert. Then I took pics of the sunlight on my plants and read Dr. Devon Price's new book Unmasking Autism for a bit (highly recommend) and then messaged 3 friends for body doubling to help me knock off things I've been avoiding on my to-do list so they can stop stressing me out. Our brains are wired to perceive tasks as less daunting when we have someone there with us when we do them, so ADHD and autistic people capitalized on this hack and started body doubling to get stuff done.

I'm gonna go watch my courses now. I'm months behind 😟


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